Complaints Policy

Aspire is committed to providing the highest standards to care to their patients. Information brochures and leaflets are readily available at the clinic and will always be provided, ensuring that you are well informed. Aspire staff are always happy to receive patient feedback and will select at random, patients to complete confidential ‘Patient Feedback’ questionnaires. The results will be audited, and any necessary changes will be made to ensure that the service Aspire provide their patients with, continues to be second to none.

If you believe that the level of service that you have received did not meet your expectations, please speak with your Aspire Nurse, Practitioner or Clinic Manager, who will be happy to listen to your views. If you have a complaint, it would be best to highlight it as soon as you can, after the event, so that the matter can be resolved in an effective and efficient manner. If a friend or family member is acting on your behalf, it will be important for you to provide them with written consent before any conversations regarding your issue can be entered into.

All written complaints should be directed to the Clinic Director, Jenny O’Neill, at Aspire Clinic, 3rd Floor Suite, Madejski Conference Centre, Reading, RG2 0FL. We will acknowledge the receipt of the letter within 2 working days unless a full response can be received within 5 working days. A full response will be made within 20 working days of the complaint. If a delay is incurred during the investigation of the complaint, a letter will be sent, outlining the delay and a full response will be sent 5 days from the conclusion being made. A copy of your complaint will be forwarded to your practitioner. You may be invited to discuss your complaint with your practitioner involved. The details we would need to know in a complaint letter would be;

  • Your full name
  • Date and time of your treatment or the incident
  • Your practitioners name
  • Names of the staff members involved


You can ask for a meeting with a member of the senior management team, if it is considered that this would be helpful. Aspire are always committed to support you and those involved during the complaint process and are always interested in listening to patients views and feedback, to continually improve the services they provide.